Idris Khan

‘Four Seasons IV’,2024 (detail). Courtesy artist and Cristea Roberts Gallery, London © Idris Khan. Photography by Sam Roberts

Drawing on diverse cultural sources including literature, history, art, music and religion, Idris Khan (b. 1978, Birmingham), has developed a unique narrative involving densely layered imagery that inhabits the space between abstraction and figuration and speaks to the themes of history, cumulative experience and the metaphysical collapse of time into single moments. 

Atelier JI has collaborated with Khan on two occasions, most recently to produce ‘The Four Seasons’, 2024 series, and in 2022, when alongside Migrate Art and The Evening Standard, we raised over £200,000 to support Disasters Emergency Committee’s activities in Ukraine with the ‘I Thought We Had More Time…’ timed edition.


In the Studio

Shortly after Russia invaded Ukraine in March 2022, Migrate Art collaborated with Idris Khan and Evening Standard to create 'I Thought We Had More Time', a timed edition print that was on sale for a 10 day period. During those 10 days, the print raised over £200,000 for Disasters Emergency Committee to support their activities in Ukraine.

Idris' powerful image went viral across social media, and physically spread throughout London when it was featured on the front page, and given a full back page of the Evening Standard. The release was also accompanied by a fly-post campaign across the streets of London courtesy of Uncle.

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Video courtesy of Migrate Art